Strange issue with XCode 6.2
Today I’ve found strange issue with XCode 6.2 as it won’t run on device, event though the prov. profile and Certificates matches.
The error is:
“no identity found Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1”
the codesign command uses different SHA-1 hash than the Certificate that I use.
I’ve tried everything including removing and inserting the Certificates, and refreshing prov. profile in Accounts > Apple ID > View Details.
It’s working if I use Wildcard profile. But even though Certificate and the prov. profile match each other in Build Settings. The error is still occurred.
Then I decided to try to re-download the development prov. profile from Apple Portal even though I still have the same prov profile in my Mac.
Then it just works, I have no idea why.